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Senin, 26 Maret 2012

Sertifikasi Keahlian di Bidang IT

Banyak alasan untuk mendapatkan sertifikasi IT (Information Technology). Hal utama adalah sertifikasi di bidang Teknologi Informasi dan Telekomunikasi memberikan kredibilitas bagi pemegangnya. Sertifikasi IT menunjukkan para Professional Teknologi Informasi memiliki pengetahuan dan kompetensi yang dapat dibuktikan. Sertifikasi IT juga memberikan keunggulan bersaing bagi perusahaan, khususnya dalam pasar global karena kemampuan dan pengetahuan Profesional Teknologi Informasi dan Telekomunikasi telah diuji dan didokumentasikan.
1. Sertifikasi Nasional
Ada dua jenis sertifikat yang diterbitkan oleh LSP Telematika, yaitu Certificate of Competence dan Certificate of Attainment.
a. Certificate of Competence. Yaitu sertifikasi berdasarkan level kualifikasi dan jenjang jabatan sesuai dengan yang ditetapkan oleh Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia (KKNI). Certificate of Competence merupakan bukti pengakuan atas kompetensi seseorang setelah melakukan uji kompetensi dari suatu bidang keahlian kerja.
b. Certificate of Attainment, yaitu sertifikasi atas unit kompetensi yang jenjang jabatannya berdasarkan kebutuhan pasar.
2. Sertifikasi Internasional
a. Sertifikasi Untuk Bahasa Pemrograman
• Java
Sun menawarkan tiga jenjang sertifikasi bagi programmer Java. Dari tingkat dasar ke advanced jenjang tersebut adalah: Sun Certified Programmer, Sun Certified Developer, dan Sun Certified Architect. Setiap jenjang sertifikasi membutuhkan jenjang sebelumnya. Contoh, untuk mengambil sertifikasi Developer Anda harus memiliki sertifikasi Programmer. Sun Certified Programmer adalah sertifikasi paling dasar dari Sun untuk programmer Java.
Sun Certified Developer adalah anak tangga selanjutnya dari sertifikasi Sun. Anda mungkin berpikir hanya perlu sekali lagi mengerjakan soal-soal pilihan ganda untuk menjadi seorang Certified Dava Developer, tetapi Sun menuntut lebih banyak dalam ujian untuk jenjang ini.
Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for J2EE adalah sertifikasi premium dari Sun. Sebagaimana dicerminkan oleh namanya, sertifikasi ini sangat berfokus pada enterprise.
• Microsoft.net
Untuk para developer ada dua jenis sertifikat yang ditawarkan oleh Microsoft sebagai pengakuan atas keahlian dalam pengetahuan dan keterampilan Microsoft .Net : Microsoft Certification Application Developer (MCAD) dan Microsoft Certified Solution Developer (MCSD).
Sertifikasi MCAD dibuat oleh Microsoft sebagai respon terhadap kebutuhan industri akan sebuah sertifikasi yang memungkinkan mereka untuk menunjukkan keterampilan yang dibutuhkan untuk mengimplementasikan, memaintain, dan mendeploy aplikasi Web atau desktop berbasis Windows dengan skala kecil sampai menengah.
Sertifikasi yang kedua adalah Microsoft Certified System Developer (MCSD). Sertifikat MCSD merupakan salah satu sertifikat TI dengan reputasi yang dikenal baik di kalangan industri. Dengan mengantongi sertifikat MCSD, seseorang dianggap telah mampu mendemonstrasikan kemampuan yang dibutuhkan untuk memimpin sebuah organisasi dalam proses perancangan, implementasi, dan administrasi dari suatu solusi bisnis dengan menggunakan produk Microsoft.
b. Sertifikasi Untuk Database
• Oracle
Laporan IDC Certified Report 2002 menyebutkan bahwa sertifikasi Oracle adalah kualitas yang paling dicari oleh pasar TI. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan industri akan berbagai spesialisasi keahlian dalam menggunakan teknologi Oracle, Oracle saat ini menawarkan tiga jenis sertifikasi Oracle. Oracle Certified DBA adalah sertifikasi yang menguji penguasaan teknologi dan solusi Oracle dalam menjalankan peran sebagai administrator database. Pada jalur sertifikasi ini terdapat tiga jenjang sertifikasi berikut:
- Oracle Certified DBA Associate
- Oracle Certified DBA Professional
- Oracle Certified DBA Master
• Microsoft
Microsoft menawarkan satu jenis sertifikasi untuk penguasaan teknologi produk database andalannya, Microsoft SQl Server. Microsoft Certified DBA adalah sertifikasi yang diberikan sebagai pengakuan kemampuan merancang, mengimplementasi, dan melakukan administrasi database Microsoft SQl Server.
Untuk mendapatkan sertifikasi MCDBA setiap kandidat harus lulus tiga ujian inti dan satu ujian pilihan. Ujian inti ini terdiri dari satu ujian untuk materi administrasi SQL Server, satu ujian perancangan database SQL Server, dan satu ujian Windows 2000 Sever atau Windows Server 2003. Sebagai tambahan ujian inti, kandidat harus lulus satu ujian pilihan dalam salah satu bidang keahlian produk Microsoft.
c. Sertifikasi Untuk Office
Sertifikasi Microsoft Office Specialist (Office Specialist) adalah sertifikasi premium untuk aplikasi desktop Microsoft. Sertifikasi ini merupakan sertifikasi dengan standar global untuk validasi keahlian dalam menggunakan Microsoft Office dalam meningkatkan produktivitas kerja.
Fokus dari sertifikasi Office Specialist adalah mengevaluasi pemahaman menyeluruh terhadap program-program Microsoft Office dan Microsoft Project, kemampuan untuk menggunakan feature-feature advanced, dan kemampuan untuk mengintegrasikan program-program Office dengan software lain.
Sertifikasi Office Specialist tersedia dalam tiga jalur: Office 2003 Editions, Office XP, dan Office 2000. Untuk setiap jalur sertifikasi terbagi dalam tiga jenjang keahlian, yaitu Specialist, Expert, dan Master.
Contoh Sertifikasi Nasional dan Internasional

Nasional :

- Sertifikasi sistem manajemen mutu,
- Sertifikasi sistem manajemen lingkungan,
- sertifikasi produk,
- sertifikasi ekolabel
- sertifikasi sistem HACCP3

Internasional :

- Adobe Certification Testing
- Avaya Certification Testing
- CompTIA Certification Testing
- LPI (Linux Professional Institute) Certification Testing
- MySQL Certification Testing
- Novell Certification Testing
- Sun Academic Initiative Certification
- SAP Certification Testing
- VERITAS Certification Testing
Sertifikasi administrasi dan maintenance Sertifikasi manajemen dan audit
Dalam bagian ini akan ditunjukkan kompetensi untuk masing-masing bidang pekerjaan untuk administration dan maintenance serta management dan audit. Kompetensi dasar standar (standard core competency) yang harus dimiliki oleh
kesemua kategori lapangan pekerjaan yaitu:
Web Developer / Programmer
• Membuat halaman web dengan multimedia. (ANTA: ICPMM65dA)
• CGI programming

Web Designer
Berikut ini adalah kompetensi yang harus dimiliki oleh seorang web designer
• Kemampuan menangkap digital image. (ANTA: ICPMM21cA)
• Membuat halaman web dengan multimedia. (ANTA: ICPMM65dA)

Database Administrator
Database Administrator berkorelasi dengan sertifikasi ANTA ICA40299. Kompetensi yang harus dimiliki:
• Monitor dan administer sebuah database. (ANTA: ICAITS125A)

System Administrator
• Menghubungkan perangkat keras. (ANTA: ICAITS014B)
• Melakukan instalasi Microsoft Windows
• Melakukan instalasi Linux
• Pasang dan konfigurasi mail server, ftp server, web server
• Memahami Routing

Network Administrator
• Menghubungkan perangkat keras. (ANTA: ICAITS014B)
• Administer dan melakukan konfigurasi sistem operasi yang mendukung network. (ANTA: ICAITS120A)
• Administer perangkat network. (ANTA: ICAITS121A)
• Memahami Routing
• Mencari sumber kesalahan di jaringan dan memperbaikinya. (ANTA: ICAITS122A)
• Mengelola network security. (ANTA: ICAITS123A)
• Monitor dan administer network security. (ANTA: ICAITS124A)

Help Desk
• Penggunaan perangkat lunak Internet berbasis Windows seperti Internet Explorer, telnet, ftp, IRC.

Technical Support
Kemampuan yang harus dimiliki
• Menghubungkan perangkat keras. (ANTA: ICAITS014B)
• Melakukan instalasi Microsoft Windows
• Melakukan instalasi Linux
• Mencari sumber kesalahan di jaringan dan memperbaikinya. (ANTA: ICAITS122A)
• Penggunaan perangkat lunak Internet berbasis Windows seperti Internet Explorer, telnet, ftp, IRC.
• Pasang dan konfigurasi mail server, ftp server, web server

Lembaga yang melakukan Sertifikasi

Untuk melakukan sertifikasi di bidang teknologi informasi, ada lembaga yang berperan di dalamnya .. Berikut merupakan lembaga-lembaga tersebut.

1. LSP (Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi Telematika)
LSP sebagai lembaga sertifikasi mempunya visi dan misi :
.. Visi LSP Telematika ..
Tersedianya tenaga kerja yang kompeten dan bersertifikasi, di bidang telematika di tingkat nasional maupun Internasional.
.. Misi LSP Telematika ..
• Meningkatkan kompetensi SDM melalui sertifikasi profesi di bidang Telematika berdasarkan Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia (SKKNI).
• Menyediakan informasi tentang SDM yang kompeten dan bersertifikat di bidang Telematika untuk kebutuhan SDM secara nasional dan internasional.
• Mencapai kesetaraan sertifikasi Profesi Telematika di seluruh dunia.

.. Dasar Hukum LSP ..

• Undang-Undang RI N0. 13 Tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan, pasal 18
• Undang-Undang No. 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, pasal 61
• Undang-Undang RI No. 15 Tahun 1984 tentang Perindustrian (Lembaran Negara tahun 1984 No. 22, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Nomor 3274)
• Peraturan Pemerintah No. 23 Tahun 2004 tentang Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi (BNSP)
• Peraturan Pemerintah No. 31 Tahun 2006 tentang Sistem Latihan Kerja Nasional
• Surat Keputusan Menteri Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Republik Indonesia Nomor: KEP-96A/MEN/VI/2004 tentang Pedoman Penyiapan dan Akreditasi Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi
• Surat Keputusan Menteri Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Republik Indonesia Nomor: KEP-149/MEN/V/2005 tentang akreditasi LSP Telematika
• Akta Notaris Buntario Tigris Darmawang, SH No. 54 tanggal 07 Maret 2005
• Surat Keputusan BNSP Nomor KEP-16A/BNSP/III/2006 tentang Lisensi Kepada Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi

.. Tugas LSP Telematika ..
• Mengembangkan Standar Kompetensi Kerja
• Membuat materi uji kompetensi
• Pelaksana akreditasi Tempat Uji Kompetensi (TUK)
• Menerbitkan Sertifikasi Kompetensi dibidang Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi
• Memiliki tanggung jawab teknis dan administrasi atas implementasi, pembinaan dan pengembangan standar kompetensi Kerja dan sertifikasi kompetensi
• Kegiatan kerja merujuk kepada Sertifikat ISO 17024
.. Asosiasi Yang Mempelopori Berdirinya LSP Telematika ..

.. Standar Kompetensi ..

• Spesifikasi performance yang ditetapkan oleh Industri yang mencakup keterampilan, pengetahuandan sikap yang disyaratkan untuk dapat bekerja secara efektif.
• Standar Kompetensi terdiri atas elemen-elemen kriteria unjuk kerja dan rentang variabel serta petunjuk pengumpulan bukti

.. Elemen Kompetensi ..

Kompetensi kerja memiliki 3 elemen penting yakni ketrampilan, pengetahuan, dan sikap. Perpaduan yang harmonis antara ketiga elemen ini menghasilkan tenaga kerja yang kompeten.

.. Standar Kompetensi Yang Berlaku Secara Nasional ..

Pemerintah telah menyusun Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia (SKKNI) yang disusun dari berbagai kalangan dan berlaku secara nasional. SKKNI ini menjadi landasan sertifikasi kompetensi yang diselenggarakan LSP Telematika.

.. SKKNI ..

Suatu pernyataan yang disetujui secara nasional mengenai keterampilan, pengetahuan, sikap standar unjuk kerja seorang profesioanl yang disyaratkan di suatu perusahaan. Selain itu SKKNI juga menjadi landasan dalam pembuatan materi uji kompetensi.

.. Sertifikat Yang Dikeluarkan LSP Telematika ..

Ada dua jenis sertifikat yakni : Certificate of Competence dan Certificate of Attainment .

2. VUE Authorized Test Centers
Lembaga ini merupakan salah satu penyelenggara training IT yang memiliki kemampuan secara mandiri untuk menyelenggarakan ujian sertifikasi internasional dari berbagai vendor IT terkemuka seperti Cisco, CompTIA, Novel, Sun, dsb.
Tidak semua lembaga training IT memiliki lisensi untuk mengadakan ujian sertifikasi internasional, bahkan banyak lembaga training IT yang bekerjasama dengan kami melaksanakan ujian sertifikasi internasional bagi peserta training yang mengikuti training mereka..
Lembaga ini ditunjuk sebagai VUE Authorized Test Center sejak Maret 2007 dan hingga kini telah melaksanakan ujian sebanyak 75 kali dengan beragam jenis ujian dari Cisco Certified dan Microsoft Certified. Jumlah workstation untuk peserta ujian adalah 4 (empat buah) dengan demikian dalam satu waktu bersamaan kita maksimal dapat melaksanakan ujian sertifikasi internasional bagi 4 orang. Dengan server khusus yang didedikasikan hanya untuk VUE Test Center software yang menjamin kelancaran proses ujian sertifikasi.

Program Ujian Sertifikasi Internasional Lainnya

VUE Authorized Test Centers juga memfasilitasi ujian sertifikasi internasional lainnya seperti : BPN, ADP, Agilent Technologies, Altiris, American College, Avaya Inc. Testing, BMC Software, Brocade Communications, BRPT, Business Objects, Check Point Software Technologies, CompTIA Testing, EXIN, IBM Testing, Isilon Systems, Linux Professional Institute Testing, Lotus Testing, MatrixOne McDATA, Microsoft Testing, MySQL, Novell Testing, PostgreSQL CE (SRA OSS), PRMIA, Radware, Siemens, Sun Microsystems – SAI Program, Tivoli Testing, VERITAS, VMware, Inc., Zend Technologies, Ltd.
Sejak bulan September 2007 terjadi pemisahaan ujian sertifikasi internasional, dimana secara khusus ujian Cisco Certified hanya dapat dilaksanakan oleh VUE Authorized Test Center sedangkan Microsoft Certified hanya dapat diujikan oleh Prometric Test Center. Saat ini kami juga telah ditunjuk oleh Prometric sebagai Prometric Test Center. Sehingga lebih banyak lagi jenis ujian sertifikasi internasional yang dapat kami selenggarakan.
Pembiayaan untuk mengambil ujian sertifikasi tertentu di bidang TI memang tidak mudah, mulai dari isi materi termasuk di dalamnya masalah bahasa, hingga yang paling utama adalah faktor biaya. Khusus permasalahan biaya ujian, bagi skala perusahaan, biaya yang harus dikeluarkan untuk karyawannya mungkin adalah hal yang standar saja, namun jika ukurannya adalah per individu, maka biaya mengikuti program ujian sertifikasi skala internasional ini memang terbilang cukup mahal. Padahal, jika peserta ujian gagal, ia tidak memperoleh apa pun selain berkas yang berisikan informasi materi dan nilai hasil ujian.

Institusi yang mengeluarkan sertifikasi di bidang administration dan maintenance serta management dan audit
Sertifikasi profesional pada dasarnya memiliki 3 model , yaitu :
-Dikembangkan oleh Profesional Society, sebagai contoh British Computer Society (BCS),
Australian Computer Soicety (ACS), South East Asian Regional Computer Confederation (SEARCC) etc
-Dikeluarkan oleh Komunitas suatu profesi, sebagai contoh Linux Profesional, SAGE (System Administration Guild), CISA(IS Auditing) [http://www.isaca.org/]
- Dikeluarkan oleh vendor sebagai contoh MCSE (by Microsoft), CCNA (Cisco), CNE (Netware), RHCE (Red Hat) etc. Biasanya skill yang dibutuhkan untuk memperoleh sertifikat ini sangat spesifik dan sangat berorientasi pada suatu produk dari vendor tersebut.
Institusi/perusahaan biasanya mensyaratkan adanya dokumen resmi pengakuan keahlian berupa sertifikasi yang dikeluarkan oleh lembaga resmi yang dapat meyakinkan bahwa network administrator tersebut memiliki kemampuan yang sesuai dengan standar yang telah ditetapkan oleh lembaga resmi sertifikasi.

Bidang Maintenance
Tiga windu Dirgantara Indonesia telah menunjukan kiprahnya dalam penguasaan teknologi dan industri kedirgantaraan. Penguasaan teknologi yang diterapkan dalam bidang desaign, manufacturing, quqlity assurance, product support, maintenance dan overhaul telah mendapat pengakuan dari otoritas nasional maupun internasional. Dallam bidang engineering: sertifikasi JAA (otoritas Eropa) untuk CN – 235-110, DGAC (otoritas sipil – RI), IMAA (otoritas militer – RI). Dalam bidang quality assurance: sertifikasi dari GD – AS,BAe – Inggris, Lockheed – AS, Boeing – AS. Dalam bidang product support and Maintenance – overhaul – repair : untuk Aircraft service sertifikasi dari DGAC – RI,Hamkam dan Oman untuk turbin dan propulasi sertifikasi dari DGAC – RI, FAA – AS, Hamkam, Malaysia, Engine Manufacturers - AS – Kanada – Inggris – Prancis, ISO – 9002 serta DGAC – RI untuk Maintenance Organization.

Bidang Administration
Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) merupakan salah bentuk sertifikasi network administrator,sertifikasi ini dikeluarkan oleh Cisco dan merupakan sertifikasi tingkat pertama dalam jajaran sertifikasi Cisco. Cisco sendiri merupakan vendor peralatan jaringan komputer terkemuka yang produknya banyak sekali dipakai oleh perusahaan-perusahaan. Materi pembelajaran CCNA dirancang agar lulusannya mampu melakukan installasi, konfigurasi dan memanage LAN, WAN, serta security dasar untuk jaringan kecil small office home office. Dengan mengambil sertifikat CCNA dari CISCO, Anda masuk kedalam jalur untuk menapaki karir profesional di bidang networking.

Bidang Manajemen & Audit
Internal Auditor merupakan profesi yang relative baru dalam dunia bisnis. Kebutuhan internal auditor di Indonesia mulai dirasakan setelah keluarnya Position Paper #1/2003 yang disampaikan kepada Gubernur Bank Indonesia, Menteri BUMN dan Ketua Bapepam mengenai penting dan strategisnya peran internal auditor dalam upaya mentransformasi good corporate governance principles dari tataran ideal ke dalam bentuk yang lebih konkret, yaitu tataran implementasi. Kebutuhan dunia bisnis akan internal auditor yang kompeten terus meningkat dan belum diimbangi oleh jumlah sumber daya kompeten secara memadai.
Berdasarkan fenomena kelangkaan sumber daya internal auditor yang kompeten di atas, Fakultas Ekonomi Widya Mandala Surabaya sebagai institusi pendidikan yang sejak dahulu mengedepankan kualitas, menyelenggarakan Short Course Program Sertifikasi Qualified Internal Auditor. Program ini merupakan hasil kerjasama dengan Yayasan Pendidikan Internal Auditor (YPIA)
Program ini adalah satu-satunya program pendidikan sertifikasi Qualified Internal Auditor di Jawa Timur yang diakui oleh Organisasi Profesi Internal Auditor – satu-satunya organisasi yang berhak memberikan gelar QIA (Qualified Internal Auditor)

Qualified Internal Auditor (QIA)
Penyandang gelar QIA adalah internal auditor yang diakui memiliki pengetahuan dan ketrampilan sejajar dengan auditor kelas dunia. Gelar QIA diberikan oleh Dewan Sertifikasi Qualified Internal Auditor (DSQIA) setelah melalui pelatihan dan ujian sertifikasi QIA

Sumber :

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All of the above has a particular use. People working with accounts, transaction, banking transaction need our service. Some people are employing excel sheets for a few calculations. But, this sheet cannot calculate accurately the figures. This becomes one of several primary reasons for poor cashflow management in lot of businesses. It's going to be the time for QuickBooks Support.

smith mengatakan...

Payroll support executives at are end are always alert and vigilant. QuickBooks Enhanced Payroll Support Phone Number These are typically ready to handle every problem even in the worst scenarios.

steffan mengatakan...

The group deployed at the final outcome of QuickBooks Support telephone number takes great proper care of all from the issues for the software. QuickBooks Payroll Tech Support have a team of experts which can be pro in handling all of the issues because of this incredible software.

jameswill11 mengatakan...

Different styles of queries or QuickBooks related issue, then you're way in the right direction. You simply give single ring at our toll-free intuit QuickBooks Payroll Support Number.

Jamess mengatakan...

Are QuickBooks Enterprise errors troubling you? Are you currently fed up with freezing of QuickBooks? If yes, you then have browsed off to the right place. QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number is successfully delivering the whole world

QuickBooks Support Phone Number mengatakan...

Our research team is always prepared beforehand with all the most Phone Number To Payroll appropriate solutions which are of good help and less time consuming.

jameswill11 mengatakan...

QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number has almost changed it is of accounting. Nowadays accounting has exploded to become everyone’s cup of tea and that’s only become possible because because of the birth of QuickBooks accounting software.

steffan mengatakan...

Options now contain versions for manufacturers, wholesalers, professional firms, contractors and non-profit entities. And retailers, in contributing to one precisely created for professional accounting firms who service numerous small enterprise clients. In May 2002 Intuit thrown QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions for medium-sized businesses. QuickBooks Enterprise Support here to create tech support team to users. In September 2005, QuickBooks acquired 74% share associated with market in america.

accountingwizards mengatakan...

QuickBooks is a well known accounting software that encompasses virtually every aspect of accounting, from the comfort of business-type to a number of preferable subscriptions. Pro, Premier, Enterprise, Point of Sale, Payroll along with Accountant, based upon your need. Quickbooks 2019 online customer care team is always willing to assist its customers via online support with every possible error which they appear in terms with. There are occasions as soon as the customers face problem in upgrading their software to your newer version, they generally face issue in generating reports etc. Though QuickBooks has made bookkeeping a child’s play, moreover it is sold with a couple of loopholes that cannot be ignored. team works on finding out of the errors which could pop up uninvitedly and bother your work. Their team works precisely and carefully to pull out all the possible errors and progresses on bringing them to surface. They will have an independent research team that is focused and eager to work hard so that you can showcase their excellent technical skills along with to contribute in seamless flow of their customers business.

QuickBooks Support Phone Number mengatakan...

At QuickBooks Enterprise Tech Support Phone Number to let our QuickBooks Enterprise Support Number professionals tackle the issue for your requirements with technical tools and methods.

accountingwizards mengatakan...

The QB technicians are spontaneous and diligent to correct any QB issue , So business now cut costs as well time by calling the experts . One you relate to them the techies here to help you the best way they are able to. They truly are prompt and responsive in resolving the issue. Resolve any Quickbooks technical issue because of the QB technicians instantly . Business owner these days completely depend on QuickBooks in order to avoid the effort of the kinds of work. The popular QB versions: Pro Advisor, Payroll and Enterprise have brought a revolution in the current business competition . Feel free to anytime 27×7 e mail us the QuickBooks Tech Support Phone Number and fixing various types of issue within a short span .

kevin32 mengatakan...

QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number give you an assurance that we will never leave any question unanswered and no query unresolved. Find a one-time solution to any difficulties you face – our customers have never yet been disappointed with our services, and neither will you.

QuickBooks Support Phone Number mengatakan...

QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number Is A Toll-Free Number, That Can Be Dialed, any time In Order To Eliminate The Matter. The Technician Who Answers Your Choice And Provides Solutions On QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number are Both Trained And Certified.

accountingwizards mengatakan...

QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number is assisted by a bunch that is totally dependable. It truly is a popular proven fact that QuickBooks has brought about a lot of improvement in the field of accounting. With time quantity of users and number of companies that can be chosen by some one or perhaps the other, QuickBooks Enterprise has got a lot of options for most of us. Significant number of features through the end are there any to guide both both you and contribute towards enhancing your internet business. Let’s see what QuickBooks Enterprise is all about.

QuickBooks Support Phone Number mengatakan...

QuickBooks Enterprise Support may be the one stop solution provider for detecting and fixing QuickBooks Enterprise Tech Support Accounting problems and technical issues.

QuickBooks Support Phone Number mengatakan...

Our team stands apart when it comes to having experience. QuickBooks POS Support Phone Number Its experience helps it in finding out the exactly impacted areas of any error, reason behind error etc.

xpert mengatakan...

QuickBooks Payroll Support has too much to offer to its customers to be able to manage every trouble that obstructs your projects. You will find loads many errors in QuickBooks such as difficulty in installing this software, problem in upgrading the software in the newer version so that you can avail the most up-to-date QuickBooks features, trouble in generating advanced reports, difficulty with opening company file in multi-user mode and so on and so forth.

Jamess mengatakan...

QuickBooks Payroll Support Number management quite definitely easier for accounting professionals. There are so many individuals who are giving positive feedback if they process payroll

HP Printer Support Number mengatakan...

Print spooler isn’t working: This blunder can occur due to a wide range of causes. HP Printer Tech Support Number Regular difficulties with the HP printers:

rdsraftaar mengatakan...

For many for the company organizations, it really is and contains always been a challenging task to control the business accounts in a proper way by locating the appropriate solutions. The greatest solutions are imperative with regards to growth of the business enterprise enterprise. Therefore, QuickBooks is present for users world wide while the best tool to supply creative and innovative features for business account management to small and medium-sized business organizations. If you’re encountering any kind of QuickBooks’ related problem, you're going to get all of that problems solved simply by utilising the QuickBooks Support Tech Phone Number.

Jamess mengatakan...

QuickBooks Enterprise has almost eliminated the typical accounting process. Along with a wide range of tools and automations, it provides a wide range of industryQuickBooks Support Phone Number

rdsraftaar mengatakan...

There might be occasions once you might face some form of delay in reaching us, let’s say during the time of filing taxes since there is a lot of hush-hush then. We assure you that individuals will revert for your requirements in less time and work out us accessible to you at QuickBooks 24 Hour Support Phone Number.

accountingwizards mengatakan...

QuickBooks Desktop version can be additionally divided in to QuickBooks professional, QuickBooks Premier and QuickBooks Enterprise. you’ll get the version and that can be additional apt for your needs. you ought to additionally get active support services for your code that square measure obtainable 24/7. If for those who run into any QuickBooks errors or problems or would really like any facilitate, you’ll dial the QuickBooks Support variety to succeed in the QuickBooks specialists.

Jamess mengatakan...

Quickbooks POS support telephone number is conscious of the whole means of rectification and resolution of any error. There are a lot many problems that pop up in QuickBooks and may time and again create problem for your QuickBooks POS Support Number Some common issues that can appear in any QuickBooks version are listed below.

steffan mengatakan...

Here we will update you how you are able to obtain QuickBooks Support Phone Number or simple ideas for connecting QuickBooks enterprise customer support contact number. QuickBooks is financial software that will assist small company, large business along side home users.

accountingwizards mengatakan...

QuickBooks Payroll Support Number will not accept direct deposit fees, however, $2.00 monthly fees are imposed if you have one client. Clients might have own logins to process own payment once they intend to customize Intuit online payroll.

accountingwizards mengatakan...

QuickBooks Payroll Tech Support Number requires below described information absolutely help customize desktop or online account fully for payment processing in quite a dependable manner. Over the following step, there is information through the last service provider. Keeping these records in your records will likely to be quite beneficial to keep your account along with information with regards to federal along side state agencies.

Blogsilly mengatakan...

Quickbooks Payroll SupportQuickbooks Statutory Demand
You will find regular updates through the us government in regards to the financial transaction. QuickBooks payroll satisfies statutory demand. You are getting regular updates through the software. This will make your QuickBooks payroll software accurate. You won’t have any stress running a business. Even for small companies we operate. This technique is wonderful for a medium-sized company. You could get probably the most wonderful financial tool. QuickBooks Payroll Support Contact Number is present 24/7. You can actually call them anytime. The experts are thrilled to aid.

QuickBooks Payroll Support mengatakan...

Resolve any Quickbooks technical issue because of the QB technicians instantly . Company owner these days completely rely on QuickBooks Support Phone Number in order to prevent the hassle for the types of work. The most popular QB versions: Pro Advisor, Payroll and Enterprise have brought a revolution in today's business competition .

rdsraftaar mengatakan...

You might be always able to relate with us at our QuickBooks Tech Support Number to extract the very best support services from our highly dedicated and supportive QuickBooks Support executives at any point of time as all of us is oftentimes prepared to work with you. Most of us is responsible and makes sure to deliver hundred percent assistance by working 24*7 to suit your needs. Go ahead and mail us at our quickbooks support email id whenever you are in need. You could reach us via call at our toll-free number.

kevin32 mengatakan...

But, being a regular business person, focusing on professional accounting software, like QuickBooks Tech Support Number, is not always easy. Thus, users may have to face a wide range of issues and error messages while using the software.

QuickBooks Support Phone Number mengatakan...

When you’re stuck in times which you can’t learn how to eradicate a concern, all that's necessary is always to dial QuickBooks Support Number. Show patience; they are going to inevitably and instantly solve your queries.

Mathew mengatakan...

The toll-free QuickBooks technical support contact number could be reached 24/7 to get in touch using the executives that are taught to help you fix any type of QuickBooks Technical Support Number related issues. The support executives can even provide remote assistance under servers which are highly secured and diagnose the issue within seconds of the time period.

steffan mengatakan...

The process is quite simple to contact them. First, you must sign in to your organization. There clearly was a help button at the very top right corner. You are able to click and inquire any question about QuickBooks accounting software. You may also contact our US customer support team using QuickBooks Tech Support Phone Number.

steffan mengatakan...

Afterward, Loan Manager can establish just the right loan repayment test every payment interval, once again saving time, reducing errors and increasing precision. In the event of errors, to gain access to the expert services, dial QuickBooks Premier Tech Support Phone Number and also for the application, head to Loan Supervisor, to the Banking menu.

tom wick mengatakan...

We have enrolled the top QuickBooks Experts who are ensured by Intuit and have significant lots of inclusion in QuickBooks Tech Support Number Department. Utilize the QuickBooks Support Phone Number and never slow down out with an error on your screen again.

QuickBooks Payroll Support mengatakan...

QuickBooks Enterprise provides end-to end business accounting experience. With feature packed tools and features, this software program is with the capacity of managing custom reporting, inventory, business reports etc. all at one place. Are QuickBooks Enterprise Contact Phone Number errors troubling you? Are you currently completely fed up with freezing of QuickBooks? If yes, after this you have browsed off to the right place.

JimGray mengatakan...

Regardless of this, if you ever face any issue in this software, call at QuickBooks Support. QuickBooks has kept itself updating over time. On a yearly basis Intuit tries to atart exercising . new and latest features to help ease your workload further.

Jamess mengatakan...

QuickBooks Support Phone Number Certain QuickBooks error shall pop-up on occasion whenever you are installing the newest version or while accessing your QuickBooks account online through an internet browser. Such pop-up errors can be quickly resolved by reporting the error into the QuickBooks error support team.

rdsraftaar mengatakan...

Each one of these issues mentioned above are a couple of types of what kind of tech glitches users may face. QuickBooks Enterprise help is the only solution when it comes to selection of issues. So, contact with our QuickBooks support team with the QuickBooks Enterprise customer support number to enjoy all the latest plans and services made available from us globally. Dial our QuickBooks Enterprise Technical Support Number to get an immediate QuickBooks help.

JimGray mengatakan...

There are a lot of things that you can easily appreciate through the establishment and use of a QuickBooks POS Support Phone Number in your shops. This would do incredible thinks about particularly whether you’re overseeing significantly more than one store: the product has bolster that will allow you to remotely get to deals data continuously from every one of several diverse boutiques you are overseeing.

QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number mengatakan...

QuickBooks updates are essential when it comes to smooth running of software. Updates constantly come with fixes, patches, and bugs. So if you are experiencing almost any issues when you look at the installing of the latest QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number Then easily contact our QuickBooks customer care expert team.

Bryan Willson mengatakan...

QuickBooks Desktop Support might be QuickBooks's best phone number, the real-time current wait on hold and tools for skipping all the way through those phone lines to have right to a QuickBooks agent. This phone number is QuickBooks's Best telephone number because 9,330 customers as you used this email address over the past 1 . 5 years and gave us feedback.

jim carter mengatakan...

If you wish to make your problems with the QuickBooks software so you may move away for great, you should call the toll-free support number. After explaining details to the agents what is actually wrong with your program, you would need to wait just for some moments prior they will give perfect solution.just through a call on the customer care or the toll-free QuickBooks Tech Support Number.

QuickBooks Payroll Support mengatakan...

However, it helps users in organizes all financial information, and helps you in creating unlimited checks, calculate the payroll taxes, and always helps you in keeping arranged during tax timings. To fulfill the needs and other business demand of the users, Intuit Inc. provides QuickBooks Payroll in three different versions named as Basic, Enhanced, and Assisted Payroll. QuickBooks Payroll is the essential software which helps users in taught the correct way of financial management and using money in the best possible manner. Apart from all the benefits, Users are facing some issues which accessing the QuickBooks Payroll. To troubleshoot these issues, get connected with the technicians by simply dialing the QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number. The experts offer 24/7 customer service with enhanced solutions.

James077 mengatakan...

QuickBooks Support Phone Number is assisted by our customer support specialists who answr fully your call instantly and resolve all of your issues at that moment. It is a backing portal that authenticates the users of QuickBooks to perform its services in a user-friendly manner.

Mathew mengatakan...

Our Team is present 24*7 to offer the newest news, helpful tips, training and consulting services to all or any its clients. All these resources definitely prove to be fruitful for you. Just in case, you can get stuck at any point, make a call at our Intuit QuickBooks Tech Support Number.

QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number mengatakan...

The QuickBooks Payroll has many awesome features that are good enough in terms of small and middle sized business. QuickBooks Payroll also offers a passionate accounting package which include specialized features for accountants also. You can simply all from the QuickBooks Payroll support number for more information details. Let’s see several of your choices that are included with QuickBooks that has made the QuickBooks Payroll Support Number service exremely popular.

QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number mengatakan...

QuickBooks Customer Service facilitate for All quite Technical problems You can use QuickBooks to come up with any number of reports you wish, keeping entries for several sales, banking transactions and a lot of additional.

QuickBooks Payroll Support mengatakan...

We offer support for all mentions versions for QB enterprise and also for other Intuit QB Product. give us a call now at toll-free QuickBooks Enterprise Support to obtain instant help for each and every related issue.

tom wick mengatakan...

The three versions of QuickBooks Payroll which are as follows-Basic Version, Enhanced Version, Assisted Version, QuickBooks updated version. QuickBooks online offers come with every form of Free QuickBooks Payroll, which prevents you against trapping with a feature you do not understand. Our professionals have designed the services in an efficient way so that they can offer the necessary answers to the customers. for any help QuickBooks Payroll Support

kevin32 mengatakan...

All of us can be acquired 24*7 to offer the latest news, helpful tips, training and consulting services to all or any its clients. All of these resources definitely show to be fruitful for your needs. Just in case, you will get stuck at any point, make a call at our QuickBooks Help Number.

QuickBooks Support Phone Number mengatakan...

Quickbooks related trouble you'll be able to get assistance from our Quickbooks customer service team through our toll-free Intuit QuickBooks Support Number or contact number make contact with our Quickbooks customer service team with the aid of our toll-free Quickbooks phone number.

tom wick mengatakan...

Many companies have been saving a regular amount of cash away from opting QuickBooks Support to transfer the salary for their employees. Also, the payrolls are accurate and will probably be cleared timely through QuickBooks Tech Support Phone Number. The QuickBooks support phone number is toll-free while the professional technicians handling your support call may come up with an instantaneous solution that may permanently solve the glitches. With such satisfactory actions happening around, certain data related issues shall happen every once in awhile. This is how one must be definite in creating a routine backup and understand the ways to restore the information in virtually any crucial situations.

Bryan Willson mengatakan...

Intuit QuickBooks Phone Number serving a number of users daily, quite possible you may hand up or need to watch for long time to get in touch using the Help Desk team . According to statics released by the Bing & Google search insights more than 50,000 people searching the net to find the Quickbooks Technical Support Phone number on a regular basis and much more than 2,000 quarries linked to Quickbooks issues and errors .

Blogsilly mengatakan...

QuickBooks Customer Care Telephone Number: Readily Available For every QuickBooks Version.Consist of a beautiful bunch of accounting versions, viz.,QuickBooks Pro, QuickBooks Premier, QuickBooks Enterprise, QuickBooks POS, QuickBooks Mac, QuickBooks Windows, and QuickBooks Payroll, QuickBooks has grown to become a dependable accounting software that one may tailor depending on your industry prerequisite. As well as it, our QuickBooks Customer Service Phone Number will bring in dedicated and diligent back-end helps for you for in case you find any inconveniences in operating any of these versions.

jim carter mengatakan...

QuickBooks support contact number can be contacted to learn the methods to produce a computerized backup to save lots of all your employee-related data from getting bugged or lost at any circumstances. The QuickBooks Technical Support Number is toll-free in addition to professional technicians handling your support call will come up with an instantaneous solution that can permanently solve the glitches.

Mathew mengatakan...

And in the upcoming 2019 version of excellent QuickBooks Tech Support accounting software, you will observe plenty of developments and improvements, especially provisioned to just enhance the user experience. And our expert team gave complete focus on improving the great and existing features so the overall workflow and functionality of your business can easily be updated and improved.

Blogsilly mengatakan...

We have a team of professionals that have extensive QB expertise and knowledge on how to tailor this software to any industry. Having performed many QB data conversions and other QB engagements, we have the experience that you can rely on. To get our help, just dial the QuickBooks Support to receive consultation or order our services. We will help you streamline and simplify the accounting, reporting and tracking so that managing your company’s finances would be much easier. Also, we guarantee to maintain anonymity and high level of security while handling issues related to QB software use. Our QuickBooks customer service is available to you at any time. Get in touch with us by using a phone number or email indicated on the Quickbooks Support site. We will be happy to assist you with any question about QuickBooks you might have.

Blogsilly mengatakan...

We have a team this is certainly extremely supportive and customer friendly.Our customer service executives at Intuit QuickBooks Support Number try not to hesitate from putting extra efforts to provide you with relief from the troubles due to QB Payroll errors.We take good care of our customers and bend towards backward to please them with our exuberant performance. All this is done without compromising with all the quality of services because nothing seems good in the event that work is not done.Our customer support team is enthusiastic and makes best usage of its experience. They just do not let go any issue even if it is fairly complex.

Jack sparrow mengatakan...

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Blogsilly mengatakan...

Error technically means an estimated difference between the calculated value of a quantity and its true value. The numeric value, here, 9999, may be the value to identify the error. It holds information, cause, as well as the action evoking the error. Banking error 9999 may encounter an individual while searching online. It hangs, responds slower or even stops working. When trying updating the info, the users get entangled in error. If you would like to take a shot to Resolve QuickBooks Error 9999 yourself, you can continue reading this blog.

kevin32 mengatakan...

QuickBooks Online Banking users must have an integration with the banking account. This integration can be carried out either by Direct Connect or Web Connect feature. There are several other benefits associated with the online version.

svrtechnologies mengatakan...

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svrtechnologies mengatakan...

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kevin32 mengatakan...

QuickBooks Payroll Support Number
QuickBooks POS Support Number
QuickBooks Pro Support Number
QuickBooks Enterprise Support Number
QuickBooks Technical Support Number
QuickBooks Tech Support Number

kevin32 mengatakan...

QuickBooks Tech Support Number
QuickBooks Technical Support Number
QuickBooks Enterprise Support Number
QuickBooks Payroll Support Number
QuickBooks POS Support Number
QuickBooks Pro Support Phone Number

Blogsilly mengatakan...

QuickBooks Support Phone Number
QuickBooks Technical Support Number
QuickBooks Tech Support Number

Blogsilly mengatakan...

QuickBooks Support Phone Number
QuickBooks Tech Support Number
QuickBooks Technical Support Number
QuickBooks Pro Support Number

Blogsilly mengatakan...

QuickBooks Support Phone Number
QuickBooks Tech Support Number
QuickBooks Technical Support Number
QuickBooks Payroll Support Number

QuickBooks mengatakan...

nice post!
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kevin32 mengatakan...

The general tasks managed by this excellent accounting software program is track bill payment, general reports, cash flow, inventory, payroll, etc. So that as for just about any other database, the user may additionally experience some bugs and errors that may require professional help. In such cases, you would need assistance from QuickBooks help Number Pro Advisor to eliminate critical errors.

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Tim Pegios mengatakan...

Are you Not Able To Login Orbi? Then no need to worry; go to our website or call us on our toll-free helpline number at USA/CA: +1-855-869-7373. Our experts are experienced and can help to resolve your problems. We are available 24*7 hours for you.

Orbi Customer Support mengatakan...

If you are looking for how to fix brother printer issues, then don't worry; here we are discussing the Brother Printer Troubleshooting Guide that you can fix your brother printer issues. If you are unable to fix issues, then don't worry; you can call us. We have a team of experts who help to solve your printer issues. To know more, just grab your phone and dial our toll-free number at USA/CA: +1-855-666-7789.

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